Lower back pain can be linked to serval things such as weak/tight hamstrings, weak/tight hips, weak/tight glutes. These exercises focus on activating all the muscles around the lower back. In theory, if we can make the muscles stronger around the area that's hurting, then we're decreasing the load responsibility of the area that's hurt. These are two different exercises you can do at home to prevent or overcome lower back pain.
* Improves hip mobility through a full range of motion.
* Targets the gluteus maximus, medius, and minimus, helping to build strength and muscle in the buttocks. Strong glutes are vital for lower body stability.
* You can perform this by holding the position for a long duration of time, or doing reps. If holding the glute bridge, start by holding it for five deep breaths with each inhale being four seconds long, and each exhale being four seconds long. If performing reps, do at least three sets of ten for at least three times per week.
* While doing the exercise, focus on your lower back being straight and try to keep your hips up.
* Deeply stretches the hip flexors, glutes, and lower back. This helps increase the overall flexibility of these muscle groups. By stretching the hip flexors, tension and pain are alleviated from the lower back.
* Like many yoga poses, the pigeon stretch promotes deep mindful breathing which can help reduce stress and anxiety levels.
* By reducing muscle tightness, this stretch can help prevent injuries particularly in the hips and lower back.
* Hold for at least 30 seconds each leg. Perform at least two sets each leg. The longer you hold each position, the better. While in the position, focus on your breathe. Be aware of how longs your inhales and exhales are to get into that meditative state.