There are many options to choose from when deciding on what ingredients to combine to make a juice or smoothie. If you have a juicer, this recipe is a great way to give yourself an energy/immune system boost. 



*Celery: Contains vitamins A, C, K and potassium. About 95% of celery is water.                    Known for its inflammatory properties.

*Apple: Contains fiber and promotes healthy digestion. Has vitamin C, and                             numerous anti-oxidants. 

*Cucumber: Great for skin health and hydration as cucumbers are 96% water. 

*Kale: Rich in vitamins A, C, and K as well as calcium. Also rich in anti-oxidants and is known to be one of the powerhouses for nutrients. 

*Parsley: Contains vitamins A, C, K, and has inflammatory properties. 

  Chop up all ingredients before juicing. Once all chopped start juicing each ingredient at a time and keep track of amount of juice that is being produced.  

  The cucumber and celery have the most water out of all the ingredients, therefore they produce the most juice when juiced. Once everything is combined, store in fridge and shake thoroughly before drinking. 

* Having a juice like this at least 2-3 times a week will provide you so many physical and health benefits. You will feel an immediate boost of energy, mental clarity and focus after drinking this. Being consistently a little extra aware of what we put in our bodies on a daily basis can help our chances of health and wellness drastically. 

Written by Pickleball Panther

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